Healthy and pleasant: Gutjahr´s body treatments


Does stress play a part of your hectic, everyday life, which quickly leads to an unhealthy lifestyle or do you sometimes enjoy one cup of coffee or a glass of wine too many. Also the defense against microbes as well as micro-injuries, which for example emerge from cosmetic products due to acid burns from AHA, leave protein fragments of the destroyed body´s own cells – the so called  slags or toxins – in the tissue of the body behind. Sadly, you can see that on our body permanently. Therefore it´s always the right time to pamper your body with the necessary and precious relaxation!


Our water – an effective fountain of youth from mother nature

At the Active and Wellness Hotel Gutjahr in Abtenau we will whip your organism with targeted treatments into shape by optimizing the removal of the protein fragments through the lymphatic system. Our beauty secret is pure water, the incomparable miracle weapon directly from mother nature. Keep in mind that every kind of edema emerges because of protein fragments in the tissues – the more fragments you have in the tissue, the more water you need for their removal.  


The Beauty-Team of our house will pamper your body with effective treatments and after such a treatment, you will not only feel better in your skin but you will also feel tighter and younger as a whole!